Friday, May 29, 2009

I love our insurance!!!

Completely pointless post, but I just had to say it: "I love our insurance and the coverage we have on all of our plans!"

The BSA provides us with medical, dental and vision insurance. We have to pay small premiums for the dental and vision plans each pay period. Well worth the expense!

I scheduled all of us dental appointments this past Tuesday and then vision ones for me and Steven. Well we came out of the vision place with both of us getting new glasses and having seen the doctor and we paid $200.00. Our plan covered frames up to $130 and we paid the part over that amount, and then the transition lenses were also covered at no additional expense. I feel like we came out of there making a killing. I have never paid so little for glasses in my life!

Then Steven has to have a series of dental procedures that are quite expensive, but our out of pocket is going to be right around $200. Normally the procedure costs closer to $900.

So yeah, I'm quite happy with our benefits from the BSA.

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