Friday, November 6, 2009

New house and baby on the way

We have tried to get our house as baby ready as we could before Emmett gets here. We began moving into our house on Saturday October 17th, and as of right now we have a handful of boxes that still are not unpacked.

I'm thinking that since I'm about the be home for an extended period of time that those boxes can wait just a little while to be unpacked.

We have finished Emmett's room. We actually got his room all painted that first weekend that we were moving in, but we now have all the furniture setup along with his crib and it's bedding. I also went into full on nesting mode this week and hung up his clothes in the closet and set out diapers and wipes at the pack n play, bassinet, changing table, and then I packed my diaper bag and Steven's too. Seriously we could change this baby's diaper just about anywhere in the house at this point in time. Heck last night I finally moved a small table over next to the couch and this morning I moved the pack n play into the living room where I think I want it to be set up. I may end up moving the diaper champ into the living room until we finally move Emmett into his crib, but that won't be for a while.

Over the first week of us living int he house we got Alexis's room almost completely done. We have finished painting her walls, and changed out her fan and all the plugs and the light switch, and Steven and his Dad even put up crown molding. Now we just need to fix the light in her closet and finish her bedroom door and her room will be done (aside from her actually unpacking all of her stuff). Which grandpa has threatened to take all home with him so she can't use any of it.

This past Sunday Steven and I got a new fan in our room along with a really cool switch to dim the lights and fan. And they finished painting the one wall in the living room. I put books on the book shelf and some crystal bowls on top of the book shelves. I just have to finish going through all the little things and find places for all of it.

More to come....

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