Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 10 of Pregnancy

What is happening with your baby?
This is the beginning of the fetal period when your baby's organs continue to grow and mature. The majority of his/her vital organs, kidneys, liver, brain, and lungs are functioning, but will continue to mature throughout the remainder of your pregnancy.
Your baby's head makes up half the length of the body, and there is a bulge in the forehead allowing for brain development. Fingernails, toenails, and hair will begin to become visible this week. The fingers are no longer webbed. The baby is actively swallowing amniotic fluid and kicking his/her legs.

How big is your baby?
Your baby is a little over 2 inches long, about the size of a lime, and weighs about a quarter of an ounce.*


  1. I know right! I should be able to feel the baby moving in the nect couple of weeks. Sometimes I think I can already, but who knows.
