Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 29 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Your total pregnancy weight gain to this point should be between 19 and 25 pounds. The top of your uterus can be felt somewhere between 3 ½ to 4 inches above your belly button.
Last week we began talking about a few of the discomforts that are associated with the later part of pregnancy. Constipation results in abdominal pain or discomfort, difficult infrequent bowel movements, and the passage of hard stools.
Here are a few things that you can do to help prevent constipation from occurring or treat it if you are already experiencing it:
Eat a high fiber diet including: fruits, vegetables, breakfast cereals, whole grain breads, prunes, and bran.
Drink a lot of fluids: Drink 10 to 12 cups of fluids each day.
Exercise routinely: Walking, swimming, and other moderate exercises three times a week for 20-30 minutes each can help stimulate the bowels.
Over-the-counter remedies such as Colace or Metamucil.
Reduce or eliminate iron supplements.
Laxative pills and mineral oils are NOT recommended for the treatment of constipation during pregnancy.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby now measures over 14 ½ inches and weighs 2 ¾ pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is rapidly growing at this point. Obviously your baby is continuing to gain weight, and his/her head is also growing. This is due to the rapid brain development that began in week 28. Muscles and lungs are also continuing to develop and mature.
Because there is so much development and maturing going on, it is incredibly important to ensure that you are getting plenty of nutrients and rest. Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium. A list of recommendations can be found at Essential Nutrients and Vitamins for pregnancy. If you still have questions regarding nutrition and appropriate amounts of vitamins and nutrients, contact your health care provider.*

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