Friday, November 6, 2009

New house and baby on the way

We have tried to get our house as baby ready as we could before Emmett gets here. We began moving into our house on Saturday October 17th, and as of right now we have a handful of boxes that still are not unpacked.

I'm thinking that since I'm about the be home for an extended period of time that those boxes can wait just a little while to be unpacked.

We have finished Emmett's room. We actually got his room all painted that first weekend that we were moving in, but we now have all the furniture setup along with his crib and it's bedding. I also went into full on nesting mode this week and hung up his clothes in the closet and set out diapers and wipes at the pack n play, bassinet, changing table, and then I packed my diaper bag and Steven's too. Seriously we could change this baby's diaper just about anywhere in the house at this point in time. Heck last night I finally moved a small table over next to the couch and this morning I moved the pack n play into the living room where I think I want it to be set up. I may end up moving the diaper champ into the living room until we finally move Emmett into his crib, but that won't be for a while.

Over the first week of us living int he house we got Alexis's room almost completely done. We have finished painting her walls, and changed out her fan and all the plugs and the light switch, and Steven and his Dad even put up crown molding. Now we just need to fix the light in her closet and finish her bedroom door and her room will be done (aside from her actually unpacking all of her stuff). Which grandpa has threatened to take all home with him so she can't use any of it.

This past Sunday Steven and I got a new fan in our room along with a really cool switch to dim the lights and fan. And they finished painting the one wall in the living room. I put books on the book shelf and some crystal bowls on top of the book shelves. I just have to finish going through all the little things and find places for all of it.

More to come....

Week 39 of Pregnancy

So here we are in the home stretch. Tuesday I was one week away from my due date and the contractions had stopped for the most part. I really haven't had very many at all this week. I however have had lots of back pain and sore, tired feet.

I saw my doctor or Tuesday and she brought up the idea of being induced. She had mentioned this idea to me several weeks ago, but I really hadn't given it much thought. I really thought I wanted to make it past my due date before even thinking about being induced. But things change. After spending all last week thinking that I was going to be having a baby before the end of the weekend, it made me really want to have Emmett here and to not have to deal with work for a while.

I like my job, for the most part, but the last month has been really difficult and frustrating. I think what with being huge pregnant that I'm just ready for a nice long break to recoup and get rested up for a new year in 2010. That's all I'll say about work....

Back to the doctor's once again she tells me I'm only dilated to a 1 and nothing has changed. Then we start talking about the size of the baby and what she thinks I would be able to handle before having to have a C-section, and again she mentions the possibility of being induced. She said that she would rather have me induced than wait and then I can't deliver the baby because he's too big and so forth. Not to say that as of right now he's too big, but that could change as he's still growing. She said we didn't have to decide right then and that we could wait and talk and call her with a decision.

Steven and I talked and eventually we came to decision to see if we could go ahead and induce on Thursday (yesterday), but of course that didn't happen. However if Mr. Emmett doesn't make an appearance before Sunday evening we are indeed going in to be induced Monday morning.

I'm still getting phone calls and text messages and emails asking how I feel, and is everything okay, and so forth....We'll see what happens this weekend, but be expecting either phone calls or text messages on Monday letting everyone know that we have a little baby boy waiting to be seen by all.

Week 38 of Pregnancy

Week 38 was the last week of October which meant I was getting a lot of pressure from many directions to have the baby by Saturday.

My doctor's appointment was on Tuesday and she said I had gone up to 1cm, but nothing more. The next day however I started having some contractions and a few other things going on, so I thought for sure Emmett was coming. I patiently waited for the doctor to give me a call back and when she did she told me to monitor the contractions. If they ever got to be a minute in length and 5 minutes apart or if my water broke I was supposed to come in. Well as you can guess the contractions never progressed into anything more than a sporadic mess.

Both my Dad and Steven's mom Sylvia were pushing for the baby to be born before the end of the weekend. My Dad was pushing because he wanted to be able to come up to Dallas and spend some time with us and the baby before he had to go back to work on the 2nd of November. Sylvia was pushing because all she wanted for her birthday was to be able to snuggle and love on a brand new grand baby. Her birthday is October 31st. Now if I would have had Emmett on Saturday I would have been carrying on a tradition in my family of grand babies being born on their grandma's birthdays. I was born on my grandma's birthday and we had a special bond that I wouldn't trade for the world. I have several aunts and cousins that we extremely disgruntled when my grandma gave me her first wedding band on my 16th birthday. My Mom made me swear to never wear the ring at family gatherings for fear that it would start up fights. Another reason the 31st would have been cool is that I then would have had two holiday babies. Alexis's birthday is December 31st, and his would have been October 31st...New Year's Eve and Halloween.

We even went out for Mexican food Friday night to spur this baby along, but to no avail. No pleading by the grandma to be or the grandpa to be would make him budge. Apparently Emmett is quite content in his current environment and there was nothing that was going to make him join us all this past week.

You wouldn't believe the number of calls, and text messages, and talking to's Emmett and I had over the weekend about him, but the weekend ended with no baby to snuggle.... :(

Week 37 of Pregnancy

Well I have no clue what is going on with the website that does my updates on what is going on with me and the baby.

If you would like to read up on week 37 you can go to

I think week 37 was the first time my doctor said I was dilating even a tiny bit.

These next few posts are going to be pretty blah because so much has happened that I can't remember much.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pregnancy Hormones and Mamma Tiger Complex

Okay so I told this story to my friend Kim and she said I have to blog about it because it is a super awesome story, and I completely agree!

Yesterday Steven and I took off of work half a day so we could go and close on our house, but unfortunately that didn't happen. Well obviously this irritated us both and our nerves were a little worn. At around 3:10 Steven tells me "I'm going to go and wait for Alexis at the bridge," and I said "oh wait and I'll go with you." Keep in mind I'm already irritated at this point in the afternoon.

We get to the bridge to wait for Alexis and we can already see some kids crossing the bridge. I noticed a group of girls at the end so I knew Alexis was with them. About that time Steven asked me if I could see Alexis and I said "No, but she's probably with the group of girls at the end," and I looked up to find them. At that exact moment we both saw these two boys go running by the group of girls and we both saw one of them trip a girl. As soon as the girl fell we both knew it was Alexis, and I became seriously enraged. Pregnancy hormones, mixed with stress, and the fact that I was already irritated about the closing did nothing to help those boys yesterday afternoon.

Before I could even think twice I jumped out of the car and ran to the end of the bridge to stop those two boys. They were running and assumed that I was just waiting for one of the other kids, but I jumped in front of them and blocked their path and immediately tore into them. I demanded to know which one of them had tripped Alexis and they both sat there and lied and said they didn't do anything, which only made me more angry. Do they think adults are stupid, or do they just think we don't watch? So I tore into them more about lying to me because I had watched them do it. Needless to say I was seeing RED!! They are lucky that I know not to put my hands on kids or else I would have throttled them both and then drug them back to their homes and laid into their parents too. However I didn't do any of that, I just yelled at them more about the fact that I watched one of them do it and not to lie to me and to keep their hands off my kids and to leave her alone, and to stay far away from her.

I finally let them go and went up to Alexis (who didn't even know I was there or what had just happened between me and those boys) and I wrapped my arms around her and walked her to the car. When we got in the car Steven asked me what I said to those boys because he could tell I was telling them off. I think it absolutely shocked Alexis that I would tear into anyone on her behalf because she was like "really, Mom you did that and you said that!" I felt like I was a mommy tiger and those boys had just tried to get my cub or something. Those boys are seriously lucky I didn't do more than yell at them. Steven and I both told Alexis that if they try to mess with her any more that she has our permission to fight back. That may not have been the best piece of advice but we don't want her to let people walk all over her either.

Another reason these boys bothered me so much was because last week another Mother waited on the bridge to talk to them about tripping the girls and messing with them. Seriously what is it going to take to get them to be respectful and to leave other kids alone? Maybe some jail time?

So for future reference don't mess with a pregnant womans kids! (Or any womans kids)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Home's just a 30 year commitment.....

I can't wait for lunch time! We are leaving work at lunch to go and close on our house! And tonight we are going to start moving things over to the new place and begin painting.

Alexis and Steven already have plans to eat at a place in The Colony called "The Cereal Bar" on Saturday morning. I'm not sure if that means we are moving our beds Friday night, or if they are going to be at the new place sleeping on air mattresses. I'm not sleeping on an air mattress being this far along in the pregnancy, I would never be able to get up. (I'm like a beached whale sometimes! lol)

Monday, October 12, 2009

House Hunt Part 4

Okay, okay I know that I haven't updated about the house hunt in a while, but we have had a lot going on recently.

We are way beyond the house hunting part of this process. We actually found a house back in September that is exactly the same floor plan as the second house we put a bid on. Naturally we put a bid on this house and we are now in the final stages of buying this house. When I say final I mean final like we are closing tomorrow as far as I know.

How crazy is that???? I'm going to own a house as of tomorrow!!!!! I'm not old enough or mature enough to own a house. Plus I don't know the first thing about taking care of a house. This is the scariest most exciting thing I've done in a while (other than get married and pregnant in the same year).

If everything works out as planned we are going to close tomorrow and begin moving things to the house immediately. We've kind of decided on what color paint we are going to put in Emmett's room and possibly the living room, so we'll get the paint tomorrow. If we have the paint and everything then maybe Steven's Dad can go and get some things started if he gets off work early an this week. I love Steven's parents! They do so much for us. Steven's plan is to paint Emmett's room while Steven's Dad works on the wall in Lexie's room. There is one wall that is covered in paneling that we are going to tear out and redo. We may have to put in some sheet rock and then re-texture the wall before we can paint her room. Luckily Steven's Dad has the tools needed to do all of that. Those are the two rooms we are going to start with. After that we'll be painting our room and the two living areas.

I did see at Garden Ridge this weekend some art work that would be sooo cute in the kitchen. Right now we just need to get the bedrooms taken care of so the kids will have a place to sleep. We can work on the rest of the house as we go.

I'll update again soon (maybe). ;)

Week 36 of Pregnancy

Okay so here we are current. Again I have to put in a link to the actually website instead of being able to just copy the info.

Things are moving at a fast pace now. Technically speaking I could have Emmett at any point now and he would most likely be perfectly okay. I kind of want him to wait just a little bit longer so we at least have the house and his room set up. I'm about the size of whale (or at least I think so) and getting up and down and rolling over are near impossible. I've also been experiencing this weird thing where my hands swell and they get really hot and then my joints start hurting. I mean they hurt so bad that it wakes me up in the middle of the night. Definitely going to ask my doctor about that on Thursday when I see her.

Speaking of my doctor that brings me to the next thing which is that I am officially in countdown mode. This week I start my weekly appointments which will continue until little Emmett makes his appearance.

Week 35 of Pregnancy

Here is the link for week 35. Still having issues.

Week 34 of Pregnancy

Sorry guys for some reason I can copy in the updates. Here is a link to week 34 of pregnancy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

House Hunting Part 3

So again we began the hunt for homes to go look at over the weekend. We decided this time that we were going to go on Friday night the 18th, to beat people going on Saturday and Sunday. Steven had a theory that the reason we weren't getting these bids was because weren't going to look at homes until Sunday afternoon and everyone else was going on Saturday. Our finance man's theory is that people are realizing that if you don't have a bid on the table by Nov 1st you aren't going to make the November 30th cutoff for the $8000 tax credit for first time home buyers.

Well there just weren't any new ones that came on the market last week so we decided to go and look at the house that was under construction. This house is on Ballard St in the Colony. We already knew we liked the rest of the house we just wanted to see how the two kids rooms turned out. What these people did when they moved in was they tore down the wall between the two smaller rooms to create one big room. Well in this housing market no one wants a two bedroom house they want a three bedroom house, so they weren't getting any offers. Hence why they were doing the construction put the wall back up. They owners did a great job of putting the wall back up and painting and they even put new carpet in all three bedrooms. We discussed the house a little bit and decided to go ahead and put an offer on it since we did like it. We drove to the local Chick-fil-A and filled out all the paperwork (for a third time) and then we left thinking we would have good news the next day.

Our Saturday was jam packed with fun stuff to do. We went to Steven's parent's house to help paint some baseboards and finish up the deck before the baby shower next weekend. Well Steven's Dad got called out on a job for work, so we went to Home Depot to get the paint so we could go ahead and get started. We painted the baseboards in the dining room and the laundry room, and the door frame going from the kitchen into the laundry room. While we were at Home Depot we got a little excited and picked up some color sample pages so we could start getting some ideas of what we would like to change in the house on Ballard St, because we knew we had it in the bag. We showed Steven's Mom some of those colors and she loved one of them so much that she decided she wanted it in her dining room as an accent wall, so our painting job got a little bigger on Saturday. We had lunch and then Steven and his Dad went and got the paint for the dining room wall, and some paint for the laundry room walls too. Needless to say we have a beautiful accent wall in the dining room, but that meant his Mom needed new curtains to go in there. While Steven and his Mom were out looking for new curtains he got the phone call from our realtor.

She called almost in tears to let us know that apparently someone had gone and looked at the house on Ballard St Friday morning and had put in an offer and that the sellers had picked their offer. Again, why didn't their agent say something when ours called to schedule the viewing? Who knows, but seriously he should have especially if they had already submitted the offer! Why waste our time and money driving out there when the seller already has this other offer? Or at least he could have said what we would have needed to offer to beat it, so we didn't waste time putting in an offer that was going to be declined. Steven told me when he got back and I immediately go into this Robot mode that I have where I don't want to do anything other than what I'm currently doing. I don't' want to talk, I don't want to stop, I don't want to be disturbed. But when you are in a house full of people and a couple of them are completely annoying you it's hard to be in that mode.

About 30 minutes after Steven got back and gave me the bad news we got another call from our realtor saying that she had just found a house in The Colony that had the exact same floor plan as the second one we had put an offer on. How there are soo many houses out there that have Doppelgangers I don't know, but they do. She said that if we wanted to we could go out right then and look at it, so we decided to go. Dad had put lasagna in the over and it wasn't going to be ready for an hour so we were good on time. We hopped in the car and headed up to see this new house that neither of us had seen on any of the lists we had received. This house has the exact same floor plan as the one with the skylights and it bright and open and airy, so again we already know that we like the floor plan.

Here is a link to the properties info. The pictures don't do it justice. We might want to paint some and we'll need appliances probably, but we can handle that. Plus one of the rooms has paneling in it that we are going to have to remove and texture and paint. Otherwise it's great! The added family room is fantastic too! We've already got it planned out to have for the kids play room in one half and the computer are in the other. Well if everything goes as planned.

We did put a bid on this house Saturday night, and we have heard back from them with some concessions. So we have countered and submitted that information last night along with our earnest money. The earnest money is the good faith money that you put down to show them that you are serious about buying the house and you most likely won't flake out on them. Once we get down to closing that money will be put towards the down payment. We have finally reached the next level in the negotiations process. We are meeting with an inspector Tuesday night to see what he has found on the property and to go over all of that jazz. We have 7 days to finish up all of this stuff and back out if we want to, but I don't think we will unless the inspector finds some pretty major things. The seller is actually putting on a brand new roof this week, and he's finishing up the repairs in one of the bedrooms and replacing the carpet. Oh yeah it has new carpet through out the whole house.

For now this is where are in the house buying process. Hopefully we'll have a home to move into soon so we can get it ready for the baby.

House Hunting Part 2

I think the number people looking for houses has increased dramatically. We've had too many situations where we put a bid on a house thinking that since it had been on the market for so long that we had it in the bag and it turn out that the exact same day the buyer got 3 other offers.

We began our house hunt officially the first week of September, and that was completely be accident. Our realtor has been sending us a daily email with a listing of houses within our criteria. Well on Wednesday September 2nd we saw one that we both really liked. Steven jokingly asked if I wanted to run up to The Colony to see if we might be able to find it and to just get a feel for the area, and I said sure why not. So we picked Alexis up and away we went to The Colony on a house hunt to see if either of us could remember where the house was. Lucky for us I have a pretty good memory because we found it on our first try.

Funny story about this first house.....When we pulled up we saw the little thing out front that had info on the house and I jumped out and grabbed a copy. After we all looked the flier over I noticed that the house a lock box on it and I just assumed that no one was living there. Remember I have no experience in house hunting/viewing so I had no clue what I was talking about. Having made the previous statement Steven and Alexis jump out and proceed to walk up to the house to get a better look. About the time they are rounding the house and looking at the side I notice a pair of shoes on the front porch and realize my mistake. I had just told them that I thought someone did live there when the front door opens and a man comes out asking if he can help us. Let me just say I almost died right there on the spot. I felt so dumb and intrusive. However the guy, who turned out to be the owner, just thought we were the people that were scheduled to come and that we were just really early. Steven got to talking to him and told him that we had just seen the house online and decided to drive out to see if we could find it, and the owner asked us if we wanted to look at the inside of the house. Well of course we said yes. He told us that someone had put in an offer, but that they had completely declined it and that it was still available. This is the end of the funny/happy part of the story.

We fell in love with that house, but we still wanted to look at other houses in the area that looked okay just to make sure that we weren't going into to something blind. We setup with our realtor to go look at houses on that following Sunday the 6th. Well the next day Steven's uncle Randy passed away and time kind of just went out the window. Sunday came and we did go look at houses and we came back to that house on Malone that we fell in love with after looking at many duds. Looking at a person's home while they are there is extremely uncomfortable. How do they expect to sell their home when you won't even leave for an hour or two so people can come and look at it? When the owner is there you don't feel like you can openly discuss things about the home that you do and don't like because they are there. Those homes were marked off the list immediately. But back to the first home that we really liked and that we put a bid on....The house was on Malone St in The Colony and even our realtor was blown away. When you see the pictures online you think okay it looks nice, but surely it doesn't look that nice. This house did look that nice. We left there and went to a Starbucks and filled out all the paperwork to put a bid on the Malone St house thinking that we had it in the bag because we were offering the full amount, especially since he had told us that they had declined the other offer. Well obviously that is not the case since I said that was the end of the good part. We got the call the next day from our realtor that the owner had decided to accept that other person's offer after he had told us he had declined it. We were broken hearted, but what can you do but go on and look at more houses.

So we spent the rest of the week scouring for more houses to go look at and we came up with another list to give to our realtor. And again we setup an appointment to go look at them on that next Sunday the 13th. If remember that was the weekend that it rained all weekend, so we thought for sure we were the only fools that would go house hunting in the rain, and that there is no way that anyone will be putting in any bids on homes. Wrong! The first house we looked at was the exact same floor plan as the house on Malone so we already knew that we liked the floor plan. We got there and the owners were still there, but on this particular house I understood why. They were in the process of finishing up some remodeling and they wanted to explain what was going on with it and when it was going to be finished. After they explained this they left and let us look at the rest of the house in peace. There were some things that were going to need to be updated, but it wasn't a bad house at all. We just didn't want to put an offer on it until we say the finished product of the construction they had going on. On we went to the other houses.

We came to a house on Roberts St and we really liked it. The owners had redone the kitchen area and those of you who know know this is a big deal. They had actually added two skylights and the entire home just felt light and airy and perfect. There were a few minor things that we were going to need to fix, but in the grand scheme of things it didn't matter to us. We left there and looked a couple of other homes and decided to put a bid on the house on Roberts St. While we were traveling to our realtor's home she called the buyers realtor to discuss putting in an offer on that home. He told our realtor that another person had just put in an bid and if she got ours over to him soon that he submit both offers at the same time. The way he made it sound was like that our offer was better than the other so we needed to get it in to him before he gave the other one to the seller to consider. We did what he said and sent everything over to him. Again we got bad news.....the next day when our realtor called him to check on things apparently he had had a third offer made on the home that was just slightly higher than ours. She asked him what we needed to offer to beat out the other offer because we weren't even at the top of our price range, but he never told her. When she emailed him back to find out what was going on he responded and said that it wouldn't have been fair to the other buyer if he had done that. Who here knows that you are trying to make as much money as possible when buying a home? Our realtor pretty much told that buyers realtor that he completely screwed over his client because we were willing to offer more, and that he wasn't doing his job. Talk about crazy! I personally would want a realtor that is going to bring me the best offer available. Another crazy thing is that there were so many people out looking at house and making offers in the crazy stormy weather we had that weekend.

Week 33 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
The top of your uterus is a little over 5 inches from your belly button. Your total weight gain should be between 22 and 28 pounds.
You may wonder if you will be able to tell when your water breaks (also called rupturing of the membranes). This is the breaking of the fluid-filled sac (amniotic fluid) surrounding the baby. Only 1 in 10 women experience a dramatic gush of the amniotic fluid, and even then it usually happens at home, often in bed. Sometimes the amniotic sac breaks or leaks before labor begins. This may be just a small trickle. It is common to be uncertain about whether leaking fluid is amniotic fluid or urine. Many pregnant women leak urine in the later stages of pregnancy, so be sure to have it checked. If you think your membranes have ruptured, you should call your health care provider.
Until you see your physician or midwife, do not use tampons, have sexual intercourse, or do anything that would introduce bacteria to your vagina once your water has broken. Let your doctor know if the fluid is anything other than clear and odorless, particularly if is greenish or foul smelling, because this could be a sign of infection. Your doctor should discuss with you what to do if your membranes rupture. Most doctors want to evaluate you and your baby as soon as the membranes rupture because of the risk of developing an infection. Your doctor may decide to induce labor.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is approximately 16 ½ inches long and weighs between 4 ½ to 5 pounds. Because growth can be so different for each baby during this time, your baby may be a little off from these measurements which in most cases is totally normal.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby’s skin is beginning to look less red and less wrinkled. Fat stores are continuing to be deposited under his/her skin. His/her bones are all beginning to harden except for the skull. The skull needs to remain soft and pliable for delivery.*

I can feel all almost 5lbs of this baby! Seriously when he decides to move it's like my belly is about to burst open like the scene in Aliens. Half the time it feels like he's doing the worm in my belly. Crazy four weeks (according to my doctor) I'll be full term and can give birth any time after that!!! 4 weeks...I'm not sure we're quite ready for that. We still need to get a house.

Monday, September 14, 2009

House Hunting

A longer better blog will follow with more detail. We are officially house hunting and have put a bid on a house. We are just waiting to hear what the buyer has to say about our offer.

This a link to the house we are looking at right now. We are really hoping that this one doesn't fall thru.

Randy's Passing

Randy went into the hospital on Tuesday evening September 1st. He was complaining about pain after his chemo treatment that afternoon. They admitted him and began to give him pain meds and to run tests to see what was going on. Wednesday we got a text that he had been crashed carted and that he was in CCU. The hospital staff was unable to get his hear rate and blood pressure to normal rates. His heart rate was at around 140 beats per minute and his blood pressure was extremely low. On Thursday I had a staff meeting most of the morning, so I didn't find out until later in the morning what exactly was going on. Steven's Mom had received a phone call from the hospital that Randy had taken a turn for the worse and that they were bringing in the Chaplains. That was about an hour before I got out of my meeting. Once I got the email I immediately tried to get a hold of Steven to let him know that we could leave and head up to the hospital if needed. Right after I emailed him we got another text that things were going down hill fast, so we left work immediately and went to the hospital to be with the family. Around 12:15 everyone had left Randy's room other than Nanny, Kim and myself. About that time a nurse came in a informed Nanny that if there was any family in the building that we needed to get them to the room quickly because Randy was fading fast and he didn't have much longer. His heart rate had dropped so fast in such a short amount of time they knew it was going to be very long. That's when I noticed his heart rate had dropped to 57 beats/minute. Over the next ten minutes it dropped to zero and he passed away. There aren't words to express all the emotions that go with witnessing someone die. When the monitor hit zero I said "oh God" and everyone else began crying. I'm not sure that I want to ever experience that again, it's too much emotion for me to process. I can handle the phone call after the fact, but not to be in the room when it happens.

Family Drama

Let me start off by saying that most of the time I love our family and everything is usually peachy keen. However the last few weeks are about to drive us all crazy!

I have lived out here in Dallas for almost 8 years and for the most part I haven't asked for hardly any help from my family. I have worked extremely hard to get where I am in life....good paying job, bills paid, clothes on our back, decent credit score, a plcae to live and so on. By trying to keep all these things in order I haven't been able to afford to go out and visit my family near as much as they want me to. They have openely admitted that they feel like I have cut them from my life and in a way I had to, especially when I first moved here. They live a very different lifestyle than I do, and at the time that I moved here I already had my own issues that I was struggling with. I couldn't work through my issues and still be completely active in their lives because it just wouldn't have worked. I thought that I had finally straightened things out with my family and now I think it's all gone to crap again. I feel like they think that I think I'm better than them, and that I don't need them in my life at all. Which is completely wrong!  I love them and all of their little quirks.  Let me take credit for my inaction by not calling more or emailing more or just plain not remembering to send birthday cards. But they don't either. Three quarters of the time they flake out on me and never do what they say they will.  I was really afraid that none of them were going to come out for the baby shower that Steven's Mom is hosting at the end of this month.  Seriously pregnancy hormones can't take something like that. 

Now the other side of the family....Steven and I both are about to go crazy dealing with his family.  There is always drama with his sister and brother-in-law, and the latest involves Dad and Steven helping move them in with Mom and Dad.  Did I mention they had to do this in the rain the same afternoon after we buried Steven's Uncle?  So yeah that's one thing.  Then you add in all the family that has come to town to be here for Randy's passing and the memorial service and the funeral.  I'll blog about Randy's passing later, but it was really hard on all of us.  I have a hard time thinking about that day because I was there.  Randy's sister Connie came in from Florida and has been driving everyone crazy.  She has come into town and put together a laundry list of things that need to get done and put Steven's Dad to work doing them.  The only thing is that his Dad has a kidney stone and has been told by his doctor not to do any physical activities that might knock it loose because he is supposed to have surgery on Oct 3 on it.  And another sister that no one has seen in years has shown up and she is trying to be best friends with everyone.  She keeps offering to babysit all the little kids and says that she's moving in with Nanny now and all of this stuff.  She says the most inappropriate things at the most inapprpriate times and no one knows how to act around her.  Everything has just been crazy for the last two weeks! 

We are ready for a nice break from family interaction.

Week 32 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
The top of your uterus can now be measured about 5 inches above your belly button. Because the top of your uterus is so high, you may begin to have trouble breathing or feel short of breath. This is due to the pressure that your growing uterus is placing on your diaphragm. This same pressure may also cause an increased amount of heartburn.
Most likely you are gaining about a pound per week. Your blood volume has increased by 40% to 50% during the past 32 weeks. This allows your body to accommodate both you and your baby. This increased volume is also important because it makes up for the amount of blood you will lose during delivery.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is a little over 16 inches long and weighs between 4 and 4 ½ pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is continuing to grow. His/her toenails and fingernails have formed. The lungs are continuing to mature but will not reach full maturity for several more weeks. Your baby’s skeleton has completely formed, but his/her bones are very soft and pliable.*

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 31 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
You may have noticed a yellowish or creamy substance that has begun to leak from your breasts. This substance is called colostrum or pre-milk. Colostrum is the first stage of breast milk that occurs during pregnancy and lasts for several days after the birth of the baby. It is much thicker than the milk that is produced later in breastfeeding.
Not all women leak colostrum, but either way, this is considered normal. You may notice that the leaking only occurs at certain times of the day. If you experience leaking during the day, you may want to invest in some nursing pads that can be placed in your bra to absorb the colostrum.
Many women begin to experience Braxton Hicks contractions during the last several weeks of pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions can begin as early as the second trimester; however, they are most common in the third trimester. The muscles of your uterus tighten for approximately 30 to 60 seconds or as long as 2 minutes. Braxton Hicks are also called "practice contractions" because they will prepare you for the real thing, and you can practice the breathing exercises you are learning in your childbirth classes.

How big is your baby?
Your baby is continuing to grow and has grown to over 15 ½inches in length and weighs anywhere from 3 ½ to 4 pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is continuing to develop a layer of fat under his/her skin. This is in preparation for his/her arrival into the world and gives the baby more of a newborn appearance. During the next several weeks your baby will really begin to put on the weight. Remember the average size of a newborn is about 7 ½ pounds and 19 to 21 inches long.*

Week 30 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
You may begin noticing that you become tired easily during this last part of pregnancy. This may be especially true if you are having difficulty sleeping at night. Some women are able to experiment with different sleeping positions that make sleep a little easier. If you are suffering from insomnia, and it is becoming increasingly worse, you may want to consult with your healthcare provider. During this later part of pregnancy, you may also experience mood swings. Some of you may have experienced this in the earlier part of pregnancy as well.
Your body is producing a number of different hormones that can cause your joints to become looser. This may result in your feet actually getting larger. Some women report that their feet grow one shoe size during their pregnancy. This is normally a permanent change.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby has now grown to be about 15.15 inches long (CHL) and weighs about 3 pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
As your baby continues to grow, he/she takes up a larger portion of your uterus. You may not feel that your body can handle your growing baby, but it will compensate by allowing your uterus to extend underneath your rib cage.
Your baby’s eyes are becoming more mature, and now he/she can tell the difference between light and dark. Babies at 30 weeks can even follow a light source with his/her eyes. Once your baby is born, he/she will spend a great deal of time with their eyes closed. This is completely normal. Newborns only have the ability to focus on objects a few inches from their faces. While “normal” adult vision is 20/20, a newborn’s vision is 20/400.*

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week 29 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Your total pregnancy weight gain to this point should be between 19 and 25 pounds. The top of your uterus can be felt somewhere between 3 ½ to 4 inches above your belly button.
Last week we began talking about a few of the discomforts that are associated with the later part of pregnancy. Constipation results in abdominal pain or discomfort, difficult infrequent bowel movements, and the passage of hard stools.
Here are a few things that you can do to help prevent constipation from occurring or treat it if you are already experiencing it:
Eat a high fiber diet including: fruits, vegetables, breakfast cereals, whole grain breads, prunes, and bran.
Drink a lot of fluids: Drink 10 to 12 cups of fluids each day.
Exercise routinely: Walking, swimming, and other moderate exercises three times a week for 20-30 minutes each can help stimulate the bowels.
Over-the-counter remedies such as Colace or Metamucil.
Reduce or eliminate iron supplements.
Laxative pills and mineral oils are NOT recommended for the treatment of constipation during pregnancy.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby now measures over 14 ½ inches and weighs 2 ¾ pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is rapidly growing at this point. Obviously your baby is continuing to gain weight, and his/her head is also growing. This is due to the rapid brain development that began in week 28. Muscles and lungs are also continuing to develop and mature.
Because there is so much development and maturing going on, it is incredibly important to ensure that you are getting plenty of nutrients and rest. Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium. A list of recommendations can be found at Essential Nutrients and Vitamins for pregnancy. If you still have questions regarding nutrition and appropriate amounts of vitamins and nutrients, contact your health care provider.*

Week 28 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Each and every week your uterus continues to grow. The top of your uterus can now be felt significantly above your belly button, about 3 ½ inches or more. Most likely your weight gain is between 17 and 24 pounds. Discuss weight concerns with your healthcare provider at your next appointment.
Since you have entered the third trimester, you may notice that the symptoms of pregnancy are changing once again. Many women will begin experiencing leg cramps, constipation, insomnia, and hemorrhoids.

How big is your baby?
Your baby is about 14 ¼ inches long and weighs in at 2 ½ pounds. This still seems very small, but remember that during the last several weeks of pregnancy your baby will gain a significant amount of weight.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby’s brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, your baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week his/her brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. The amount of brain tissue also begins to increase during the 28th week.
The development of hair also continues. Eyebrows and eyelashes are visible, while the hair on your baby’s head grows even longer. Your baby is also starting to look a little rounder as the fat storage under the skin continues to develop. This is an important part of development that will continue through the remainder of your pregnancy.*

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 27 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
By this point in your pregnancy you are feeling your baby move quite a lot. Some of his/her movements could be due to hiccups, while others feel like he/she is participating in an aerobic workout. Many women find these movements very comforting, and these often help strengthen the bonding process between mother and child.
Many women ask questions concerning how often they should feel their baby move. Later in pregnancy you may be asked to calculate your baby’s kick count, but now you just want to make general comparisons. If your baby seems less active than normal, then you would want to discuss this with your healthcare provider.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is now 13 ¾ inches long and weighs 2¼ pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
Around week 11 your baby’s eye lids became fused, but around the 27th to 28th week babies can open and close their eyes. Your baby has also developed a regular wake and sleep cycle. Unfortunately, it may not be the same as yours. You may also begin to feel rhythmic movements in your uterus and wonder what is going on. It is likely that your baby is experiencing a case of the hiccups. This is completely normal and may occur quite frequently during this last part of your pregnancy as your baby’s lungs continue to mature. *

The kick count has begun as well as child birthing classes. The kick count is where I take out two hours to monitor the babies movements. During those two hours he's supposed to move at least 10 times. Well Emmett is super active most of the time so all I need is about 5 minutes to get his 10 kick counts in for the day. If he's maintaining that level of activity then all is well in his world. I can pick any two hours I want it doesn't matter as long as it's a time that he's normally active. Pretty much when I wake up and when I eat and when I get ready for bed he's active.

I'm super excited about the child birthing classes. I'll get to learn all the things I didn't know about when I was pregnant with Alexis and Steven gets to be a part of it too! We did find out though at our first class this past Tuesday that we are the most prepared couple in there even though most of them are due to have there babies in September. Our homework this week is for me to track 3-4 what all I eat in a day to make sure I'm getting all the servings I need of everything, and to give each other massages. Personally I'm looking forward to the massages ;)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 26 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
The top of your uterus can now be felt about 2 ½ inches above your belly button. During the remainder of your pregnancy you will grow about a ½ inch per week. If you have been watching your weight throughout your pregnancy and have been sticking to a balanced diet, your weight gain should be between 16 and 22 pounds. *

How big is your baby?
Your baby is approximately 13.38 inches long and weighs 2 pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
The development that is occurring at this stage may seem small and insignificant, but it is very important as your baby begins to prepare for his/her entry into the world. The nerves in the ears are developing and allowing your baby to respond more consistently to the sounds that he/she hears. Your baby is also continuing to swallow amniotic fluid which is causing his/her lungs to develop. If you are having a little boy, his testicles have begun their descent into his scrotum.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Prego Update

Hello party people! Some days there's a ton going on with me and little Emmett and other's not so much. I thought I could just give a personal update on the going on's with the Price/Mouser family.

Alexis still is not home, but she will be home this coming weekend (or so I have been told). She is having a good time this week visiting her Grandma, Grampa, and Grumps along with her cousin Ashtyn. They actually got to go to the lake on Sunday and ride jet skis with Alexis's Dad. I think she was still on an adrenaline high when she called later that night to talk to us about it all. We can't wait for her to be home. I miss her laughs and hugs and kisses so much. I think I could even handle her 10yr old attitude.

Steven and I have officially become couch potatoes! We have watched 5 seasons of NCIS since June 20th and several good movies. That's not all we've done this summer. Last night we put together the changing table for the baby, and we still have the dresser and crib to go. One piece of furniture at a time I guess. We do go to Babies R Us a lot these days to scope out what products are out there and what we might want to decorate with.

Now Emmett is a growing boy and there are times that I can eat like a grown man. He is actually big enough and active enough that if you time it just right you can feel him when he's kicking or jabbing me. Steven actually had his hand on my belly the other night and he couldn't believe that what he was feeling was Emmett. I think Emmett knows I'm typing about him because he has just started moving around a lot. I'm really excited to see how Alexis will react the first time she feels him moving.

We have moved into the next stage in the pregnancy too. Now we are going to the doctor every two weeks instead of every four. Everything seems to be going along just fine, so we'll see what happens. Steven and I are actually looking into signing up and starting our child birth preparation classes in August, so one night a week we'll be unavailable. I'm guessing the next three months are going to be crazy and hectic and I'm going to start getting tired a lot more quickly that I do currently. It will all be worth it in the end when we get to bring Emmett home and love on him in person.

Week 25 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Your uterus is approximately the size of a soccer ball, and the top of your uterus can be felt about halfway between your belly button and the bottom of your sternum.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is now 13 inches long and weighs anywhere from 1½ to 1¾ pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
While it does not appear that your baby is that big, he or she is slowly gaining some baby fat, making his/her appearance less wrinkled. If your baby has hair, the color and texture could be seen at this point. However, it can change after the baby is born.
Your baby's Gender...You hear all sorts of ways to tell if you are having a boy or a girl. If the baby’s heart rate is fast, you are having a girl. If the heart rate is slower, then it is a boy. Others will guess the sex of the baby based on how you are carrying the baby. If you are carrying low then it is a boy, and if you are carrying high it is a girl. These are just a few of the wives’ tales that pregnant women often hear.
However, there are only two scientific ways to determine gender. This can be determined by an ultrasound or amniocentesis. Even if you have had an ultrasound after 20 weeks, it is not 100% accurate in predicting the sex of the baby. Ultrasound technicians, nurses, and doctors can be wrong. Since an amniocentesis looks at the genetic make-up, gender can be determined this way. Normally an amniocentesis is not warranted unless there is a complication in the pregnancy.*

It's good to know I have pretty much a soccer ball in my belly these days. That explains sooo much! lol

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Randomness on Saturday

Last week I decided I was going to try to go and do some yoga this weekend since I had purchased a pass back in March and it was nearing the expiration date. For some reason I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep soundly Friday night so I got up and went to lay on the couch. After a while I fell in and out of sleep and tossed and turned. Eventually the sun came up and I started getting worried that I wasn't going to get up in time to go to yoga, but I kept on dozing away. The next time I woke up it was bright outside and I knew I had missed the class I wanted to go to, but when I checked the time it was only 8:00 and I didn't have to be at class until 9:30.

Well for some reason I had this itch to get a move on and do something, but I wasn't sure what. And then BAM! it hit me....I wanted to got to Garden Ridge and look at some beverage dispensers. So I got dressed, grabbed the keys and headed out the door. I didn't even tell Steven because he looked like he was sleeping so soundly that I didn't want to disturb him. But I also couldn't think of a place to put a note that he would think to look and we didn't have any that were sticky so the door wasn't an option either.

You wouldn't believe all the people that are out and about at 8:00 in the morning on a Saturday. There were couples out walking and a billion people waiting to tee off at the golf course and the health fanatics out running.

I drove up to the Garden Ridge that is closest to us and guess what???? It was still closed and didn't open until 10:00, which of course was right in the middle of my yoga class. So then I had no clue what to do because I still had time to kill. Well I ended up getting gas and then went to a Sonic where I sat looking at the menu thinking that none of it sounded good. I think my brain works in a funny way because everything about Saturday morning was so scattered and certainly not coherent. While I was at the Sonic not ordering anything I thought "Well hey I'm right here by Bed Bath and Beyond...I could go in there and ask about returning some items and then repurchasing them so I could use a different coupon and save more money." But once again the hour of the day was working against me because they weren't open either. Seriously are there any stores open at 8:00am for people like me who get up and feel like they need to be out doing something?

After that I ended up stopping at Kroger to pick up some milk and a couple of other items before heading back home. When I walked in the door Steven was sitting on the couch and he said "Well, hi honey. Where have you been?" He thought I was at yoga, but then why would I have grocery sacks with me. I'm pretty sure he thinks he married a crazy person!

Yoga was great! The instructor was great and very accomadating for me and Emmett. She showed me different moves I could do instead of the ones that she was having everyone else doing. She was soooo funny and she even had 80's music playing. I think even once she said "I think this must be my Michael Jackson compilation or something," because so many of the songs were indeed MJ songs. She even told me a few times that even being as far along as I am in the pregnancy that I'm still very flexible. I'm really looking forward to going back and meeting some of the other instructors, but I think her class just might be my favorite.

So yeah that was my random Saturday morning.

Week 24 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
You can now feel the top of your uterus around 2 inches from your belly button. The skin on your abdomen and breasts are stretching, which can cause these areas to feel itchy. Many times the itchy skin can be caused by dry skin. If you are having itchy and/or dry skin, use a good moisturizer or lotion. Your eyes may also be sensitive and dry during your pregnancy. You can alleviate some of the discomfort by using artificial tears to keep your eyes moist.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is over 12 ½ inches long ( approximately 12.60 inches CHL) and weighs 1¼ to 1½ pounds.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby's brain is growing rapidly at this time. Taste buds are also developing, and the lungs are becoming more developed and complex. The branches of the main lung are beginning to form as well as special cells that will produce surfactant. Surfactant is necessary for the air sacs to inflate easily. Babies who are born prematurely often have trouble breathing because these cells have not had enough time to develop or are not producing the necessary amounts of surfactant.*

Can you believe the baby has gained nearly 1/2 a pound in one week? Seriously it took 23 weeks for him to get up to 1 pound and now he's doubled that in a week. From here on out there is going to be serious baby weight gain. Which also means I'm going to be moving a lot slower than I already am, I think. I can already tell you that in the last two weeks it has gotten harder for me to get up from a laying position and rolling over is not as easy either. IF you haven't seen the belly recently well it has sprang up out of no where. I woke up one day and there was this huge baby bump. Steven and I are going to take some baby bumpage pictures soon and post them for you guys to see. Plus my family is begging to see how big I am now. Officially anyone who wants to feel the baby moving and kicking can, as long as you don't mind rubbing the belly. You may have to wait until midnight or four in the morning to feel him, but you can. Those are generally the times when he's awake. However if I drink a little soda first thing in the morning it gets him all riled up about 30 minutes later.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 23 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Your uterus now extends about 1 ½ inches above your belly button, and your weight gain should be around 12 to 15 pounds. Friends and family may comment on your size, telling you that you are too big or too small for your gestational age. Talk with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet.
Your uterus is sitting directly on top of your bladder, which can cause you to leak fluid into your underwear. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to distinguish urine from amniotic fluid. If your membranes have ruptured and you are leaking amniotic fluid, it will be an odorless fluid. This can occur with a sudden gush or a constant trickle. If you notice fluid leaking, you need to try to determine if it smells like urine or if it is odorless. If it does not seem to be urine, you would want to call your healthcare provider immediately.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby has finally reached a weight of 1 pound and is approximately 11 ¼ inches long.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is continuing to gain weight, but the next several weeks will be when he/she really begins to fill out. Lanugo, or the fine hair that covers your baby’s body, may darken at this point allowing it to be seen on an ultrasound. Your baby is also beginning to look more like it will at birth.*

Maternity clothes are a funny thing. Some make you look huge and others make you look very slim. I like both. In a blog to come you will hear about our baby loot! We have temporarily inherited a ton of baby stuff from Steven's cousin. Needless to say we no longer have a dining room we have what for now is the baby's room.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 22 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
You can now feel the top of your uterus about ¾ of an inch above your belly button. As we talked about last week, many women describe this as a comfortable period of pregnancy.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is almost 10 inches long and weighs a whole 14 ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby has pretty much taken on the form of a newborn baby, but is incredibly small. Much development will continue to occur over the next 18 weeks. His or her skin appears wrinkly, but this is because he/she has not yet gained enough weight to fill the skin out. The lips are becoming more distinct. The eyes have completely formed, but the iris (the colored portion of the eye) still lacks pigment. The eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and the pancreas is continuing to mature.*

This baby feels like he weighs more than 14 oz. and he moves around like crazy! Steven actually felt him moving last night which was totally awesome. Steven was talking to him about our crazy weekend and all the things that we did and he started dancing around in my belly.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Week 21 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
If you place your fingers about a half inch above your belly button, you may be able to feel your uterus. The vast majority of people that you encounter will realize that you are expecting. If you notice that your lower legs and feet swell towards the end of the day, try to schedule a couple of times a day that you can sit and rest. If you seem to be battling oily skin and/or increased breakouts on your face or other parts of your body, wash your face with a gentle soap and water twice a day.
Many women enjoy this portion of pregnancy the most. They have survived many of the early pregnancy symptoms and are not so big that they feel incredibly uncomfortable. Try to relax during this time and enjoy being pregnant.*

How big is your baby?
Up until this point your baby’s length was measured from the crown of their head to the bottom of their rear end (CRL). Now your baby’s length is measured from crown to heel (CHL).Your baby has grown to over 8 ½ inches long and weighs about 12 ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby’s eyelids have finished forming this week, and he/she is very busy moving around and swallowing amniotic fluid. You most likely have felt your baby move by this time and have realized that he/she is not necessarily on the same schedule that you are. As your baby swallows amniotic fluid, his/her digestive tract is continuing to mature. Your baby is also receiving some of the caloric intake from the amniotic fluid. If your baby is a little girl, then her vagina has fully formed but will continue to develop until her birth.*

So yeah I know I have a little boy swimming around in my uterus that is about 13oz according to his measurements on Monday. Totally random thing happened during the sonogram; the sonogram tech was looking at his bladder and then went to look for his kidneys. Well she moved the paddle and was looking at his bladder again when all of sudden she said "Oh, well he just emptied his bladder." How odd that we got to see our baby pee in the womb?! I think we also saw him yawning. I'm pretty sure we woke him up earlier than he's used to getting up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby News!!

We are having a little bouncing baby boy! And when I say bouncing I mean it. This kid moves all the time and was doing barrel rolls for the sonogram tech this morning. We have the cutest little picture of Emmett's foot. I'll try to get it posted up here soon. I can't wait to start accessorizing everything with coordinating colors. And all the cute little boy clothes! Now Steven's aunt Cindy can start making all the wonderful little things that she does for the babies in the family.

We're so happy and excited and just about ready to burst!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Birthday Weekend

June 20th is the big day when my Mom finally gave birth to me, and I showed to the hospital staff that you can't tell me what I'm going to do. The doctor examined my mom and told her and the staff I wasn't going to come for a few more hours, so I decided to speed things up a little bit. About 5-10 minutes after he left a nurse went to go and check on my mom and there I was the nurse ended up delivering me and I have been a bit impatient ever since.

Friday night started the celebrations with the family. Steven's family took us to a new restaurant of my choosing. Just so you all know Sweet Tomato is a fantastic place to eat! I think it may become a new favorite of mine. I had never eaten there, but I just wasn't in the mood for my normal favs. Sweet Tomatoes has a huge salad bar with all the fixin's and then there is soup, bread, pasta, baked potatoes, all kinds of drinks, and desserts galore! Well of course the food was good, as was the company. Josiah was given his own tray of food with stuff that he had picked out to eat. I've never seen a two year old eat green peas and actually like them. He was cute most of the time. I think getting him in new environments and putting him in the middle of the table are all good things to get him to eat and not throw fits. He did really good on Friday night. Plus Lacey was as cute as ever. She was at the end of the table with Josh and she kept trying to lean forward and pull things off of the table. I think she managed to get a plate one time, luckily there wasn't any food on it at the time. After dinner we went back to the parentals to hang out. Well Steven and I had to have a rematch at Spades. We had played them the week before and they totally smoked us. We had our revenge Friday night!!!! (insert evil laugh) No we really had a good time and I gave Steven a billion heart attacks by going nil 6 times during the game.

Saturday was even better. First of all Steven let me sleep in sort of. He woke me up to tell me that he had to run an errand and asked what I wanted for breakfast when he got back. I managed to go back to sleep and I have no clue how long he was gone, but when he got back I was ready to eat. So I got up and we sat and watched the season 1 finale of NCIS while eating donuts. Once it was over Steven gave me my birthday present and it turned out to be season 2 of NCIS, so of course we popped in the first disc and began watching. He also got me beautiful sunflowers and had them in a vase when waiting when I got up. I love my birthday presents! The second half of my birthday present was a trip to Music Hall at Fair Park to watch The Wizard of Oz musical. Allison and Charlie came along with us and we had a great time. Afterwards Allison and I both admitted to almost crying through out the performance, granted we both are pregnant and our hormones are raging but it was fantastic show. The only thing I would have changed was the fact that Alexis wasn't there to enjoy it too. She would have loved it! I think we're going to try to take her to Mary Poppins in September. And the baby loves musicals, he moved more Saturday during the show than probably any other time. After the show we all went to dinner at Posados which has been a long time favorite of mine and Allison's. We had a strange waitress, who was more like a stepford waitress. I mean what she said to us was exactly word for word what she said to the next table over. Then she wrote her name, the date, and Posados on the top of my to go box. Just odd in my opinion.

Since it was still early and the two pregos weren't passing out just yet we went back to our apartment and talked the evening away. We chatted about all things and everything in between. Finally the evening came to a close when Steven started falling asleep on us and because Allison had to get home to finishing making a cake to take to Charlie's parents for father's day. Steven felt bad for falling asleep, but he tossed and turned Friday night and didn't get much sleep and then he was up at 7:00am that morning.

I would definitely have to put this birthday in my top five birthdays ever! And thanks go to my wonderful hubby! Love you!

Week 20 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
The top of your uterus is now at the same level as your belly button. You may have gained an average of 8 to 10 pounds up until this point. Expect to gain ½ a pound to one pound per week during the rest of your pregnancy. The amount of weight may be more or less depending on your pre-pregnancy weight. Your doctor or midwife should let you know how your weight gain is doing and if you need to make any adjustments in your eating and activity level.*
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How big is your baby?
Your baby is about 7 ¾ inches long and weighs approximately 9 ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is covered in a white substance called vernix caseosa. This substance helps protect your baby’s skin from becoming irritated while submersed in amniotic fluid, and it also aids the baby's passage through the birth canal during labor.
Your baby is beginning to produce meconium, a dark green or black sticky substance that constitutes a baby’s first messy diaper. A few babies pass meconium while in the uterus or during labor. Meconium consists of cell loss, amniotic fluid that has been swallowed, and digestive secretions.*

Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 19 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Round ligament pain is most common during the second trimester. Women begin complaining of a sharp pain in their abdomen or hip area that is either on one side or both. Some women even report pain that extends into the groin area. Round ligament pain is considered a normal part of pregnancy as your body goes through many different changes.
View Pregnancy Health Videos

How big is your baby?
Your baby has grown so much during these 19 weeks but is still a little under 7 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces. Don’t worry, he/she still has a lot of growing left to do.*

What is happening with your baby?
While your baby is continuing to grow, the development that is occurring is very specific. For example, the kidneys are making urine, and hair is beginning to sprout on his/her scalp. The parts of the brain that are responsible for the senses are specializing. If you are having a baby girl, she already has 6 million eggs formed in her ovaries.*

I don't remember the round ligament pains from when I was pregnant with Alexis, but sure do feel them this time. The are quite a shock the first time you feel them. I think the first time I felt one was when I sneezed unexpectedly and I thought I tore something on my inside. Steven still can't feel the baby move, but I sure am feeling the little nudger.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week 18 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Your figure is continuing to change, and most people can recognize that you are pregnant, especially if you are only wearing maternity clothes. However, there are many other changes that are occurring that no one can see. Your cardiovascular system is also affected by your pregnancy, and you may experience some low blood pressure. This is why it is important to make sure you go from a lying/sitting position to a standing position slowly. This decreases the amount of dizziness that you may experience.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is now about 6.29 inches long and weighs 5 ½ ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
A protective covering called myelin is beginning to form around his/her nerves. This covering will continue to form up until your baby’s first birthday. If you are having a little girl, her fallopian tubes and uterus have positioned themselves into the correct place. If you are having a little boy, then his genitals may be noticed on your next ultrasound. However, many babies do not like to cooperate during the ultrasound, and the genitals cannot be seen.*

Holy crow! The baby grew 3/4 of an inch in one week! Let me say that again in ONE WEEK! That is the most it's grown in one week so far. Well that explains the baby bump I've been sporting for the last week I guess. But seriously, the belly has gotten quite a bit firmer and more pronounced. I'm finding that I like the secret fit belly things that are made in maternity clothes. I don't know why, but the extra support (even though I'm not huge yet) across my belly feels great. I've now had two people come up and touch my belly since we announced that we were expecting. The first was Jared at Brett and Kim's wedding and the second was Sharon (Lexie's aunt) this past Tuesday. Sharon works in the building that my doctor's office is in and she stopped me on my way to my appointment this week. She immediately came up and put her hands on either side of my belly. I loved it! I love when people touch my belly while I'm pregnant. Just so you peeps know, you can touch my belly a lot during the rest of my pregnancy.

Week 17 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
As your abdomen continues to grow, it will begin moving other organs around to compensate for the growth of your uterus and baby. The top of your uterus is beginning to appear more rounded and is lengthening. Your uterus will begin pushing your intestines up and out towards the side of your abdomen. Most women find it easier to feel their uterus when they are standing. If you lie down and try to feel your uterus it can be quite difficult since it falls back towards your spine.

How big is your baby?
Your baby is a little over 5 ¾ inches long and weighs 4 ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
His/her umbilical cord is not only lengthening but also becoming thicker and stronger for these last 23 weeks. Your baby’s sense of hearing is also developing since the ears have fully formed and moved into their final position.
Your baby is also beginning to form adipose or fat tissue. This will help him/her take on a more normal appearance by filling out the fine features that he/she has. Fat is important in helping regulate the body’s temperature and metabolism.*

It was so cute the other day when I told Steven and Alexis that the baby can hear them. Steven immediately starts making everything he said to the baby sound like it's echoing. He was also telling the baby that his Daddy is the coolest and that he has the coolest big sister. When Alexis tries to talk to the baby she puts her mouth right up to my belly and yells everything she says like the baby is far away. They are so excited about the baby. Steven dropped me off at work after lunch and as I was getting out I told the baby "Say bye to Daddy," and Steve said I was adorable. Which by the way I love my new prego clothes!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I love our insurance!!!

Completely pointless post, but I just had to say it: "I love our insurance and the coverage we have on all of our plans!"

The BSA provides us with medical, dental and vision insurance. We have to pay small premiums for the dental and vision plans each pay period. Well worth the expense!

I scheduled all of us dental appointments this past Tuesday and then vision ones for me and Steven. Well we came out of the vision place with both of us getting new glasses and having seen the doctor and we paid $200.00. Our plan covered frames up to $130 and we paid the part over that amount, and then the transition lenses were also covered at no additional expense. I feel like we came out of there making a killing. I have never paid so little for glasses in my life!

Then Steven has to have a series of dental procedures that are quite expensive, but our out of pocket is going to be right around $200. Normally the procedure costs closer to $900.

So yeah, I'm quite happy with our benefits from the BSA.

Week 16 of Pregnancy

What changes are occurring with your body?
Your uterus is continuing to grow and weighs approximately 8 ½ ounces. Your placenta is also growing, and your body is producing an increased amount of amniotic fluid that helps protect your baby during your pregnancy. Right now your body has about 7 ½ ounces of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby.
When you are pregnant, your body produces 50% more blood, resulting in more blood circulation through your body. This increase in blood circulation causes your face to be brighter. Your body is also producing hormones that cause your oil glands to work in over-drive, leaving your face shiny. Both of these things can result in a "pregnancy glow". What can you do about it? If your skin becomes too oily, you can use an oil free cleanser to clean your face. Other than that, do nothing but smile!*

How big is your baby?
By the end of week 16, your baby is approximately 5.31 inches (CRL) and weighs 2 ½ ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is preparing himself/herself for a growth spurt over the next several weeks. Your baby’s head is more erect now than it has been in the previous weeks of pregnancy. His/her ears and eyes are situated in their final positions. These three things are giving your baby a more “normal” appearance than he/she has had up to this point.
Several of the more complicated body systems are also beginning to function including your child’s urinary and circulatory system. Your baby’s heart pumps around 25 quarts of blood per day. However, by week 40 this amount will increase to 1,900 quarts per day!*

Okay so I'm a huge dork and I got out a ruler this morning and measured how big 5 1/2 inches is. Then I held it up against my belly and it stretches across the main part of my belly. Now I am definitely sure I have been feeling the baby moving! I didn't realize how long the baby was so I didn't think there was any way what I was feeling was our little nudger. I'm so excited!! I can't wait for Steven and Alexis to be able to feel the baby too.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 15 of Pregnancy

How big is your baby?
By the end of this week, your baby will be 4 ¾ inches long and weigh a whole 2 ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby’s skin is very thin, and his/her blood vessels can actually be seen through the skin. Your baby’s ears are continuing to develop externally and continue to look more like normal ears. Your baby’s eyes are continuing to move towards the nose from the sides of his/her head. The baby’s bones are beginning to ossify, which means that if an x-ray was taken the skeleton would be visible. Babies at this age have also been caught sucking their thumbs on ultrasound pictures.*

I'm expecting any day to be able to feel the baby moving! I think I'll be floored when I realize it's the baby and nothing else. I can't wait! I really can't wait for everyone else to be able to feel the baby moving too.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What changes are occurring with your body?
Maternity clothes may be a necessity for some people, while others have been able to postpone the inevitable by either borrowing their partner’s clothes or using rubber bands and safety pins to enlarge the waistbands.
The way that your body responds to this pregnancy depends on if you have been pregnant before and how your body changed during previous pregnancies. A rule of thumb is that in subsequent pregnancies your body tends to accommodate your growing baby and uterus faster, causing you to show earlier.*
View Pregnancy Health Videos

How big is your baby?
Your baby is now over 4 inches long and weighs just a little less than 2 ounces.*

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby is continuing to grow and mature at this point. Your baby’s arms are going to begin to lengthen and be more proportioned to the rest of the body. The liver is beginning to produce bile, while the spleen is beginning to produce red blood cells.
The development of your baby’s brain enables him/her to use his/her facial muscles to grimace, frown, and squint. He/she may even be sucking his/her thumb. Because you have begun the second trimester and most of the critical development has been completed, the chance of miscarriage decreases.*

I'm one of the mommies that needs the maternity clothes already. Thank goodness Steph has loaned me some maternity clothes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week 13 of Pregnancy

What is happening with your baby?
Up until this point, your baby’s head has been the largest part of his/her body, but that is beginning to change. Your baby’s head is now only about 1/3 of his/her total body. Unique fingerprints are now located on the tips of your baby’s fingers. The kidney and urinary tract are completely functional which allows the amniotic fluid he/she has been swallowing to be excreted. Covering your baby’s skin is a fine, soft hair called lanugo.

How big is your baby?
By your thirteenth week of pregnancy, your baby is almost 3¾ inches long and weighs 1¼ ounces.*

Monday, May 4, 2009


So yeah I have had crazy amounts of energy the last week. I had another crazy busy weekend that did not involve any morning sickness.

Friday I took Steven and Alexis out for dinner at Olive Garden, which is one of our favorite places to go. We had pretty decent meal, and good time just being a family. After dinner we ran up to Walmart to pick up a few things. One thing in particular was an electric massager for my neck to loosen up the muscles in it. I don't know if I'm seriously stressing out or what, but my neck and head muscles are so tight and tense that I've had an on again and off again headache for two weeks. The doctor said to try Tylenol, heat, and massages to help, but none are working. I may go to a professional massage therapist if the pain persists much longer. When we got home we caught the end of Flashpoint, and then Numbers. I think I may now have two days a week that I have to watch TV programs.

Okay, so who knew the nerdy guy from "10 Things I hate about You" was going to turn out to be cute and have an awesome TV show? He's number guy in Numbers, in case you didn't know.

Saturday started off great! I got up and took Alexis and Steven to church at 9:00. I then had the whole morning to myself. I went crazy and went to several stores pricing stuff for Becky's wedding. I started with Hobby Lobby. I literally walked in their door at 8 past 9:00 and didn't leave until 10:00. I walked through the store at least twice, but at least I made a killing while I was there. I bought a $60.00 beverage dispenser for $30.00 and some material to make a baby blanket. Then I drove across the highway over to Office Depot to look for invitations and I found some I like, but they were a little pricey. While I was there Becky called and we talked for probably 45 minutes total. Put it this way when we finally hung up and had already left Office Depot, and had gone to Garden Ridge and had been walking through there for at least 20-30 minutes. Which at Garden Ridge I found three or four more styles of beverage dispensers that I really liked, but I had already bought one so I had to say "no".

After Garden Ridge I ran over to Target and Party City and priced the supplies for the shower and then more invitations. I didn't really find any invitations at Target that I liked and they were also too pricey, but there were some at Party City that might just work.

By this point it was nearly 12:00 and me and the baby were starving after having walked for 3 hours straight. We stopped at Long Silver's and ate real quick before driving across another highway and going to Macy's. I have a gift card for Macy's and I thought I might b able to find a beverage dispenser there that I could use it on. However after wandering around for 20 minutes the only one that I could find was made of acrylic, and looked very plasticky and was priced at $100. Sorry it wasn't worth $100 in my book, let alone to use my gift card on and then have to pay more, so I left it right where I found it.

Well my time was running out because I had to pick Alexis and Steve up at 1:00, so I only got to make one more stop and it was at Costco. I got to price some cakes, and flowers, and couple of other things while I was there. OMG!!! Costco on a Saturday is crazy! I can't believe I managed to ever get a parking spot and actually make it inside to look around. Once I did though I had to power walk through the entire place because my time was slipping away quickly.

I managed to leave Costco and get back to the church by 12:53. Of course once I got there I ended up waiting another 20-30 minutes because Steven wasn't done helping the stage crew yet. Once we got in the car I began talking about my morning in super fast girl talk. Steven said "You must have had a enjoyed yourself because you haven't talked this much in I don't know how." He's not as impressed with my beverage dispenser, but he's a's to be expected.

All in all I had an excellent Saturday morning.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Steven and I are looking into the possibility of buying a home for our expanding family. Obviously this is a HUGE decision and we're not taking it lightly.

Steven has a friend in the mortgage industry that we are working on getting paperwork together for so we can at least see what we can be approved for.

We've been looking online at different homes in the metroplex and I'm getting so excited. I mean I might own a home soon!!! That is completely mind blowing! I mean seriously I was talking to my friend Becky about her wedding shower and bachelorette party and the possibilities of where we might have them. Then I had to take a step back and go "whoa hold up, let's wait on the bachelorette party for a location because I might have a house by then that we could use."

I've always wanted to live in a real house my entire life. I lived in trailers in my childhood, and apartments ever since. I want Alexis to have the ability to go in the backyard and play and be safe and have fun. I want her to have a room that she can decorate and that we can paint the walls and whatever else we decide to do.

Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming and the rug is about the be ripped out from under me and then I wake up and find out none of this life is real.

This is the one we rally like:

Week 12 of Pregnancy

What is happening with your baby?
This week your baby will begin to take on more of a normal appearance as the eyes move closer together and the ears move closer to their final position. The intestines have grown so fast that they actually extend into the umbilical cord, but they will begin to move back into the abdomen. The kidneys can now secrete urine, and the nervous system is continuing to mature. Your baby may have developed more complicated reflexes such as sucking.*

How big is your baby?
Your baby is 3.15 inches long and weighs 1 ounce by the end of this week.*

I'll definitely be needing maternity clothes soon. Even though I've lost 3 pounds since I found out I was pregnant my belly is getting bigger. Thank goodness Steven's sister just had a baby and I might be able to wear some of her maternity clothes. I have a dr. appt this week so I'll be posting more about the baby after that.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Weekend

My weekend started off just right. We got to have dinner with Kimmy and Madi Friday night at Chili's. You just don't know how good it was to be able to sit and talk with Kim and not feel like the conversation was forced. Here lately I feel like when I hangout with people that the conversation is forced or strained, or really like I would just rather be some where else. Everything flowed so easily and it was such a breath of fresh air. Of course we talked about newly married life and her and Brett's honeymoon and how everything went, but we just talked. I have missed my Kim time over the last year.

Well Alexis had a great time with Madi at dinner too! They we're so cute all night.

After that we stopped at Walmart and picked up some ice cream for dessert and went home. We all decided to do our own thing once we got home. I continued reading the 7th Harry Potter book (for the second time), Steven worked on photos for church stuff, and Alexis watched Bolt in mine and Steven's room. Eventually Steven came out and started playing his PS2 and Alexis passed out. I don't know why, but it was a nice relaxing night.

Saturday we slept in as late as we could, which turned out to be 10:00. Lex and I went and got our favorite donuts and then we got ready to go to the park day with the PPBC Singles. However the park day was canceled due to rainy conditions, so we popped on over to Mom and Dad's for a little while. Of course our favorite little baby showed up right after we got there and Alexis got to her first so she held Lacey for quite a while. It is so funny to see us all with Lacey, she is going to be the most spoiled little baby on this planet. She never gets a moments peace, we are all waiting for our chance to hold her. Steven even took Lacey from me and held her for a little while and he sang to her. I think he secretly wants a baby girl, so he can have his little Daddy's girl!

After that we went back home for more reading on my part, and more work on photos by Steven, and pouting by Alexis. She wanted to ask Savannah to come over and play, but she already had plans for Saturday afternoon, so instead she went out to ride her bike. While she was out riding her bike she found some of her school friends out at the pool, and they asked if she could join them. So she went swimming for a while, and then they asked her if she wanted to go back with them for a spa afternoon, and of course she had to go. She had so much fun over at her friend Katie's apartment. She kept sending us text messages telling us how much fun everything was. She even sent us pics of her toes once they were done. I wish I were girly like that, so I could do things like that with her. Right now I feel like all I do is grip at her, and I don't mean to. Well I ended up finishing the last Harry Potter book around 12:00 on Saturday and then went to bed. Steven was still up trying to finish the pictures to be able to give them to church members the next day at service. He was up until 4:00 am finishing them.

Sunday ended up being a busy day. The morning sucked because I was so sick to my stomach that I ended up sitting out in the lobby area and listening to the service from there. Steven said it was a good thing because right after I left these two women sat next to them and talked through the entire service. He's right because I would have gone off on them! My temper is very short right now due to extra hormones, and I would have torn them up. After service we grabbed some food from Wendy's and went home. And then I began to clean and you all know how I am when I get started......I don't stop. Before I knew it I had loaded the dishwasher and switched out the laundry, and empty a box of packed up stuff, swept the kitchen, got the pledge out and was wiping down every wood surface we have, and then.........I got a hold of Alexis's room!!!! She had junk all over her entertainment center and I was tired of it, so we got in there and I made her go through every single thing on there and decide if she wanted it or not, and then where she wanted it to go. By the time we were done she had a trash can full of junk she didn't want, and a very nice looking entertainment center. We'll see if it stays that way.

After that I took her to the pool for an hour where she swam and I attempted to read Persuasion (it was rather bright out and I found it difficult to focus on the pages). Once her hour was up and I was freezing we went in and started dinner. She really likes to help me cook, so I let her help me marinate the pork chops we had for dinner. She mixed all the ingredients for the marinade while I stabbed the meat with a fork. Then she helped me rub some seasoning into the meat and cover it in the marinade. After that she tried to grate some cheese but found it hard to do so she left me to finish dinner alone. I love it when she helps me in the kitchen!

The rest of the night was good. We ate dinner at the table and then we went to the store to buy groceries, and more baby stuff.

All in all a great weekend!