Friday, November 6, 2009

New house and baby on the way

We have tried to get our house as baby ready as we could before Emmett gets here. We began moving into our house on Saturday October 17th, and as of right now we have a handful of boxes that still are not unpacked.

I'm thinking that since I'm about the be home for an extended period of time that those boxes can wait just a little while to be unpacked.

We have finished Emmett's room. We actually got his room all painted that first weekend that we were moving in, but we now have all the furniture setup along with his crib and it's bedding. I also went into full on nesting mode this week and hung up his clothes in the closet and set out diapers and wipes at the pack n play, bassinet, changing table, and then I packed my diaper bag and Steven's too. Seriously we could change this baby's diaper just about anywhere in the house at this point in time. Heck last night I finally moved a small table over next to the couch and this morning I moved the pack n play into the living room where I think I want it to be set up. I may end up moving the diaper champ into the living room until we finally move Emmett into his crib, but that won't be for a while.

Over the first week of us living int he house we got Alexis's room almost completely done. We have finished painting her walls, and changed out her fan and all the plugs and the light switch, and Steven and his Dad even put up crown molding. Now we just need to fix the light in her closet and finish her bedroom door and her room will be done (aside from her actually unpacking all of her stuff). Which grandpa has threatened to take all home with him so she can't use any of it.

This past Sunday Steven and I got a new fan in our room along with a really cool switch to dim the lights and fan. And they finished painting the one wall in the living room. I put books on the book shelf and some crystal bowls on top of the book shelves. I just have to finish going through all the little things and find places for all of it.

More to come....

Week 39 of Pregnancy

So here we are in the home stretch. Tuesday I was one week away from my due date and the contractions had stopped for the most part. I really haven't had very many at all this week. I however have had lots of back pain and sore, tired feet.

I saw my doctor or Tuesday and she brought up the idea of being induced. She had mentioned this idea to me several weeks ago, but I really hadn't given it much thought. I really thought I wanted to make it past my due date before even thinking about being induced. But things change. After spending all last week thinking that I was going to be having a baby before the end of the weekend, it made me really want to have Emmett here and to not have to deal with work for a while.

I like my job, for the most part, but the last month has been really difficult and frustrating. I think what with being huge pregnant that I'm just ready for a nice long break to recoup and get rested up for a new year in 2010. That's all I'll say about work....

Back to the doctor's once again she tells me I'm only dilated to a 1 and nothing has changed. Then we start talking about the size of the baby and what she thinks I would be able to handle before having to have a C-section, and again she mentions the possibility of being induced. She said that she would rather have me induced than wait and then I can't deliver the baby because he's too big and so forth. Not to say that as of right now he's too big, but that could change as he's still growing. She said we didn't have to decide right then and that we could wait and talk and call her with a decision.

Steven and I talked and eventually we came to decision to see if we could go ahead and induce on Thursday (yesterday), but of course that didn't happen. However if Mr. Emmett doesn't make an appearance before Sunday evening we are indeed going in to be induced Monday morning.

I'm still getting phone calls and text messages and emails asking how I feel, and is everything okay, and so forth....We'll see what happens this weekend, but be expecting either phone calls or text messages on Monday letting everyone know that we have a little baby boy waiting to be seen by all.

Week 38 of Pregnancy

Week 38 was the last week of October which meant I was getting a lot of pressure from many directions to have the baby by Saturday.

My doctor's appointment was on Tuesday and she said I had gone up to 1cm, but nothing more. The next day however I started having some contractions and a few other things going on, so I thought for sure Emmett was coming. I patiently waited for the doctor to give me a call back and when she did she told me to monitor the contractions. If they ever got to be a minute in length and 5 minutes apart or if my water broke I was supposed to come in. Well as you can guess the contractions never progressed into anything more than a sporadic mess.

Both my Dad and Steven's mom Sylvia were pushing for the baby to be born before the end of the weekend. My Dad was pushing because he wanted to be able to come up to Dallas and spend some time with us and the baby before he had to go back to work on the 2nd of November. Sylvia was pushing because all she wanted for her birthday was to be able to snuggle and love on a brand new grand baby. Her birthday is October 31st. Now if I would have had Emmett on Saturday I would have been carrying on a tradition in my family of grand babies being born on their grandma's birthdays. I was born on my grandma's birthday and we had a special bond that I wouldn't trade for the world. I have several aunts and cousins that we extremely disgruntled when my grandma gave me her first wedding band on my 16th birthday. My Mom made me swear to never wear the ring at family gatherings for fear that it would start up fights. Another reason the 31st would have been cool is that I then would have had two holiday babies. Alexis's birthday is December 31st, and his would have been October 31st...New Year's Eve and Halloween.

We even went out for Mexican food Friday night to spur this baby along, but to no avail. No pleading by the grandma to be or the grandpa to be would make him budge. Apparently Emmett is quite content in his current environment and there was nothing that was going to make him join us all this past week.

You wouldn't believe the number of calls, and text messages, and talking to's Emmett and I had over the weekend about him, but the weekend ended with no baby to snuggle.... :(

Week 37 of Pregnancy

Well I have no clue what is going on with the website that does my updates on what is going on with me and the baby.

If you would like to read up on week 37 you can go to

I think week 37 was the first time my doctor said I was dilating even a tiny bit.

These next few posts are going to be pretty blah because so much has happened that I can't remember much.