Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 39 of Pregnancy

So here we are in the home stretch. Tuesday I was one week away from my due date and the contractions had stopped for the most part. I really haven't had very many at all this week. I however have had lots of back pain and sore, tired feet.

I saw my doctor or Tuesday and she brought up the idea of being induced. She had mentioned this idea to me several weeks ago, but I really hadn't given it much thought. I really thought I wanted to make it past my due date before even thinking about being induced. But things change. After spending all last week thinking that I was going to be having a baby before the end of the weekend, it made me really want to have Emmett here and to not have to deal with work for a while.

I like my job, for the most part, but the last month has been really difficult and frustrating. I think what with being huge pregnant that I'm just ready for a nice long break to recoup and get rested up for a new year in 2010. That's all I'll say about work....

Back to the doctor's once again she tells me I'm only dilated to a 1 and nothing has changed. Then we start talking about the size of the baby and what she thinks I would be able to handle before having to have a C-section, and again she mentions the possibility of being induced. She said that she would rather have me induced than wait and then I can't deliver the baby because he's too big and so forth. Not to say that as of right now he's too big, but that could change as he's still growing. She said we didn't have to decide right then and that we could wait and talk and call her with a decision.

Steven and I talked and eventually we came to decision to see if we could go ahead and induce on Thursday (yesterday), but of course that didn't happen. However if Mr. Emmett doesn't make an appearance before Sunday evening we are indeed going in to be induced Monday morning.

I'm still getting phone calls and text messages and emails asking how I feel, and is everything okay, and so forth....We'll see what happens this weekend, but be expecting either phone calls or text messages on Monday letting everyone know that we have a little baby boy waiting to be seen by all.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for posting updates! You are SO in my thoughts these days. I'm just so excited!!! I am ready to meet Emmett =-)
